Fifth Grade
Jennifer Bove - 5A
Christina Landis - 5B
Fifth Grade Curriculum
A student will be able to learn:
apply God's word in Scripture to his/her daily life
explore ways in which Christ teaches and heals through the Church today
appreciate the value of prayer in our lives through different prayer forms
explore the seven sacraments
understand that Jesus is God's word
know how to locate scriptures in the Bible
respect and appreciate the gift of human life
students develop friendship-making skills and strategies for bullying
Social Studies
A student will be able to:
identify the countries, landforms, physical features and natural resources in the Western Hemisphere and the relationship to New Jersey and the world
learn about the States and Regions of the United States
study the European conquest and explorations and the effects on the native inhabitants and diversity of cultures in the United States
introduce how the New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies were formed
discuss the principles, rights, and the responsibilities found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
learn about the three branches of government for the States and the United States
Language Arts
A student will be able to:
develop understanding of literary elements
read a variety of genres
develop understanding of author's purpose and style
draw conclusions, make inferences, and predictions
know how to write sentences and develop a paragraph
use strategies to organize data and follow steps in the writing process
write different types of paragraphs such as descriptive, expository, narrative, and persuasive
write a friendly and business letter
write in a variety of poetic forms
apply grammatical and mechanical skills in writing a sentence and paragraph
develop oral speaking and listening skills
use technology, books, magazines, and other sources for research and publishing students' work
A student will be able to:
demonstrate a respect for the sacredness of life
learn the parts and functions of cells
compare plants and animal cells
learn how the nervous, circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems work
understand how organisms are interdependent
create food web/chains
recognize the interaction of forces, gravity, and friction in doing work
recognize that matter is composed of small particles and has physical and chemical properties
use scientific instruments and be able to visually demonstrate results of an investigation
create charts and graphs to display data
investigate space exploration – past and present
A student will be able to:
identify place value through billions
identify decimal values through thousandths
use and apply the operations for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions
recognize basic geometric shapes and terms
calculate perimeter and area
use estimation before solving a problem
solve, explain, and create multi-step problems
construct, read, and interpret tables, charts, and graphs
challenge his/her brain by working on math brain teasers
apply math to everyday life
Program is sponsored by the Evesham Police Department. The focus of the program is to teach the children to make positive life choices.
A student will be able to:
explore art history and the great masters through a variety of resources
apply problem solving and decision making skills while completing art projects
create an expressive work of art that demonstrates an understanding of three or more elements of art.
A student will be able to:
continue to access the school network with a user name and passw ord
use the basic functions in Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel
use a variety of computer programs to enhance classroom curriculum
use the Internet for researching
A student will be able to:
visit weekly and check out a library book for enjoyment reading and a book to supplement classroom assignments
learn research skills for the World Almanac
use the Dewey Decimal System
use all library skills taught
A student will be able to:
perform and recognize various meters
analyze melodic patterns: ostinato, sequence, imitation
distinguish between major and minor scales
read notes on the staff and perform on instruments
identify musical forms: call and response, verse and refrain, AB, ABA, rondo, theme and variations
sing and praise God with Church songs
Physical Education
A student will be able to:
refine sport skills
participate in cooperative, recreational, and sport lead-up games
engage in aerobic endurance and fitness training activities
A student will be able to:
identify numbers zero to five hundred, Greetings and Dialogue, classroom objects, plural nouns in Spanish, Days of the week, Months and Seasons, Gender of nouns
Grade appropriate lessons are organized by topics familiar to the students, such as weather, mealtime, holidays, and sports.
brain-based projects
test/quiz scores-announced ahead of time
class participation
homework – assignments are written on the blackboard
workfile - All students’ work included
portfolios - Student selected work
Test Folders - Sent home on Fridays. Please sign the test folder sheet and return to school by Monday or Tuesday.
Discipline is promoting the dignity of each child in a Christ-centered environment.
Progress reports and teacher, parent, and student conferences. Please feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions with a note or call to school.