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Fifth Grade


Jennifer Bove - 5A


Christina Landis - 5B

Fifth Grade Curriculum

A student will be able to learn:

  • apply God's word in Scripture to his/her daily life
  • explore ways in which Christ teaches and heals through the Church today
  • appreciate the value of prayer in our lives through different prayer forms
  • explore the seven sacraments
  • understand that Jesus is God's word
  • know how to locate scriptures in the Bible
  • respect and appreciate the gift of human life
  • students develop friendship-making skills and strategies for bullying

Social Studies
A student will be able to:

  • identify the countries, landforms, physical features and natural resources in the Western  Hemisphere and the relationship to New Jersey and the world
  • learn about the States and Regions of the United States
  • study the European conquest and explorations and the effects on the native inhabitants and diversity of cultures in the United States
  • introduce how the New England Colonies, Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies were formed
  • discuss the principles, rights, and the responsibilities found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
  • learn about the three branches of government for the States and the United States

Language Arts
A student will be able to:

  • develop understanding of literary elements
  • read a variety of genres
  • develop understanding of author's purpose and style
  • draw conclusions, make inferences, and predictions
  • know how to write sentences and develop a paragraph
  • use strategies to organize data and follow steps in the writing process
  • write different types of paragraphs such as descriptive, expository, narrative, and persuasive
  • write a friendly and business letter
  • write in a variety of poetic forms
  • apply grammatical and mechanical skills in writing a sentence and paragraph
  • develop oral speaking and listening skills
  • use technology, books, magazines, and other sources for research and publishing students' work

A student will be able to:

  • demonstrate a respect for the sacredness of life
  • learn the parts and functions of cells
  • compare plants and animal cells
  • learn how the nervous, circulatory, digestive and respiratory systems work
  • understand how organisms are interdependent
  • create food web/chains
  • recognize the interaction of forces, gravity, and friction in doing work
  • recognize that matter is composed of small particles and has physical and chemical properties
  • use scientific instruments and be able to visually demonstrate results of an investigation
  • create charts and graphs to display data
  • investigate space exploration – past and present

A student will be able to:

  • identify place value through billions
  • identify decimal values through thousandths
  • use and apply the operations for whole numbers, decimals, and fractions
  • recognize basic geometric shapes and terms
  • calculate perimeter and area
  • use estimation before solving a problem
  • solve, explain, and create multi-step problems
  • construct, read, and interpret tables, charts, and graphs
  • challenge his/her brain by working on math brain teasers
  • apply math to everyday life


  • Program is sponsored by the Evesham Police Department.  The focus of the program is to teach the children to make positive life choices.

A student will be able to:

  • explore art history and the great masters through a variety of resources
  • apply problem solving and decision making skills while completing art projects
  • create an expressive work of art that demonstrates an understanding of three or more elements of art.

A student will be able to:

  • continue to access the school network with a user name and passw ord
  • use the basic functions in Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel
  • use a variety of computer programs to enhance classroom curriculum
  • use the Internet for researching

A student will be able to:

  • visit weekly and check out a library book for enjoyment reading and a book to supplement classroom assignments
  • learn research skills for the World Almanac
  • use the Dewey Decimal System
  • use all library skills taught

A student will be able to:

  • perform and recognize various meters
  • analyze melodic patterns: ostinato, sequence, imitation
  • distinguish between major and minor scales
  • read notes on the staff and perform on instruments
  • identify musical forms: call and response, verse and refrain, AB, ABA, rondo, theme and variations
  • sing and praise God with Church songs

Physical Education
A student will be able to:

  • refine sport skills
  • participate in cooperative, recreational, and sport lead-up games
  • engage in aerobic endurance and fitness training activities

A student will be able to:

  • identify numbers zero to five hundred, Greetings and Dialogue, classroom objects, plural nouns in Spanish, Days of the week, Months and Seasons, Gender of nouns
  • Grade appropriate lessons are organized by topics familiar to the students, such as weather, mealtime, holidays, and sports.


  • brain-based projects
  • classwork
  • test/quiz scores-announced ahead of time
  • class participation
  • homework – assignments are written on the blackboard
  • workfile - All students’ work included
  • portfolios - Student selected work


  • Test Folders - Sent home on Fridays.  Please sign the test folder sheet and return to school by Monday or Tuesday.
  • Discipline is promoting the dignity of each child in a Christ-centered environment.
  • Progress reports and teacher, parent, and student conferences.  Please feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions with a note or call to school.